Privacy Policy

Privacy Promise for CSS Cracker

Last updated: 29-01-2024

Welcome to CSS Cracker! We promise to take good care of your privacy. This Privacy Promise explains how we handle your info when you use CSS Cracker. We want to make sure you understand what we do.

1. What We Collect

1.1 Your Info

If you decide to share your name, email, or other details with us, we promise to use them only to make your experience better.

1.2 How You Use the Site

We also gather basic info like what browser or device you're using. This helps us make the site work well for you.

2. How We Use Your Info

2.1 Making Things Better

We use your info to make CSS Cracker a great place for learning. This includes personalizing your experience and improving our services.

2.2 Looking at Trends

We also look at general info to see what people like and how we can make the site even more helpful for everyone.

3. Sharing Info

We don't sell or trade your personal info. We only share it with trustworthy partners who promise to keep it safe.

4. Keeping Things Safe

We do our best to keep your info secure. However, just like in the real world, nothing online is 100% perfect. We're always working to make it as safe as possible.

5. Cookies

We use cookies to make things easier for you. If you don't want them, you can turn them off in your browser settings.

6. Links to Other Sites

If you click on links to other sites, they have their own rules. We don't control them, so be careful and check their privacy policies.

7. For Older Learners

CSS Cracker is for learners who are 13 and older. If you're younger, please find a more suitable place to play and learn.

8. Changes to This Promise

Sometimes we may need to update our promise. If we do, we'll let you know.

9. We're Here to Help

If you have questions, just drop us an email at We're here to help and make your learning journey awesome!

By using CSS Cracker, you agree to our simple Privacy Promise. Take a moment to understand these simple terms before you dive into the world of learning with CSS Cracker. 

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